Saturday, August 13, 2016

I hear crickets.

Anybody out there?

I know it's been four years since I've posted, but I think about the character and the story I built back then and I want to continue it. Especially after rereading the last post about Ana's *dream* and moving in with Ryder, I'm heavily considering doing a legacy challenge with the two of them. I don't even really care if anyone reads it to be honest, I just think it'll be a fun/creative thing to do now that I have some more free time. If anyone is actually interested in seeing posts, I'll try to crank them out regularly. Thank you so much for reading back then (if any of you are still around) and I hope to see some of you follow the upcoming journey as well.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Night of Insanity.

Well, that was the weirdest dream I've ever had.
Anastasia Vanderbilt propped herself up on one arm, rubbed her eyes, and thought about that crazy dream.

Surely, the "100 baby challenge" she'd dreamed about couldn't be a real thing... that's crazy! Sure, many people, including Ana herself, wanted a big family, but 100 children must be an impossible feat. And with all different fathers? Ana was a big fan of monogamy.

There was one thing that really stuck out in her mind - Ryder Winfield.
Ryder was definitely a real person, though she couldn't be so sure of the same for everyone else in that crazy dream. Ryder was also, indeed, a doctor - or training to be one. She had seen him on her way to the police station, where she had a stable desk job, filing papers and taking phone calls, training to be a real cop. She'd met him, talked to him a few times. Nice guy, and they had a lot in common... but she'd never considered what she did in her dream, marrying the guy and having a bunch of kids with him. Sure, he was cute, friendly, also loved kids... but he couldn't possibly be the one for her. Ana sure as hell wasn't going to let some messed up dream plan out her life for her.

What had REALLY been going on with Ana, then?
Well, she'd come to Sunset Valley a few years back, bouncing around from house to house, with a bunch of housemate situations that eventually drove her out of them. Most recently, she'd been calling a small bed and breakfast in the town her home. It was time to try the housemate thing again.

Ana picked up the newspaper and browsed through the classifieds, idly sipping her morning coffee, half expecting to find nothing like she had in the past month. But there was one.


There was also an address listed, and instructions to come over the next Tuesday if interested.
And oh, was Ana interested. For a large two bedroom, that was low, low rent.


Tuesday morning rolled around, and Ana was all set to go meet her (hopefully) new housemate.

 The house was indeed large, and beautiful as well, with gorgeous landscaping to boot.
She had to live here. She had to.

 She stood nervously outside of the door, and rang the expensive-sounding doorbell.
A somewhat familiar voice called from within: "Come in, it's unlocked!"


 None other than Ryder Winfield was the owner of this house.
Looking for a roommate.
Ana stopped in her tracks, and quickly covered up the shocked look on her face.
The dream suddenly came flashing back into Ana's mind.
Their life together, in her dreams - it was quite beautiful.
But that wedding was ridiculously large... when SHE got married, it'd be more of a pri--
No. It was just a dream. It wasn't real. She pushed the ridiculous thought out of her mind.
Ryder Winfield is not the man I'm going to marry.
Once she convinced herself of that fact, the conversation was easy to get into.
"Oh, hi!" Ryder beamed at her. "It's Anastasia, Anastasia Vanderbilt, right?"
"Uh, yes. Ryder... Winfield, is it?" Ana faked having trouble with his name, for her own sake.
"Sure is! So, are you here to, you know, live here, or do you have other motives?" Ana swears she saw him wink a little.
"I'm here about the open room, of course." She smiled slightly. "I've been doing pretty well at the force, making a bunch more money now, and this place is gorgeous. It's definitely worth the $200 a month! ...Assuming you don't have a problem living with a woman as your housemate."
Your completely platonic housemate.
"I have no problem with it, if you don't!" His smile was easy and warm.
 "Great, then!" Ana beamed. "When can I move in?"

"Right now," Ryder said as he shook her hand. "I'll help you get your stuff."


Thank you for reading! I know there weren't many pictures but that will change as soon as I get into the swing of things again. I've really missed writing. I'd like your feedback on this storyline! Please, please, PLEASE leave comments, that's the only way it'll improve! :P Thank you for coming back after this ridiculously long break. My computer handles the Sims well now, so I'll be writing and playing when I have free time! <3

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Message from the Author

Hey everyone. Thanks for reading and caring about Ana's challenge. I'm sorry I haven't posted in such a long time, life has just been crazy for me lately. I'm trying to figure out where I want to go to college and stuff, and it's honestly no where near an easy task. I slacked off and didn't start looking until my senior year and it's really kicking me in the butt. I do want to continue Ana's challenge eventually, but I have no clue when. I have a couple things in store regarding the triplets though, if I recall correctly... anyway, when the challenge continues, I hope you all enjoy it even more!

~Ana's Overlord(:

Monday, July 11, 2011

Baby #26: Another Namesake

 With the twins being only toddlers, and 3 new baby girls, there simply wasn't enough room in the nursery anymore.
So, naturally, the boys needed to age up.

 Ace first.

 And then Dax.

I forgot to get a pic of Ace, but here's Dax.

 Ace looks exactly the same, just with brown hair.

 The boys immediately ran upstairs and dressed up like astronauts.
Ace is in orange and Dax in purple.
They discussed important top secret astronaut business, obviously.

 "Hey, Dad, I would just like to inform you that I am going to go to the moon with Ace. Okay? See you for dinner."

 The little astronauts danced the night away, pretending they were on the moon.
- They are too freaking cute. <3

 When Ryder got the mail, there was a package with some more of those special dolls, this time for the girls.

Speaking of the girls - they became toddlers shortly after.

 Here's Addison - she has both Ana's eyes and hair, but I see her looking more like Ryder as she ages.

 Alice, of course, is the complete opposite - Ryder's hair and eyes.
Oh, and she's evil, versus Addison's good trait.

 Anna is a good mix of Ana and Ryder, in the face as well as hair and eye combination.
She's a little Bellatrix!

Ana decided on her new hair color for the next baby.

 Yeah, this is what she came up with. Attractive, right?
- I thought so. ;D

 Ryder went with a red and orange combination. They kinda clash, but it's okay.

 Ace decided to be king of the chess table that evening.

Dax thought it would be more fun to run around as a dinosaur, though.

While the boys were horsing around, the triplets were learning, learning, learning.

 First thing, Ryder taught his mini-me Alice how to use the potty.

 After which, Alice learned how to walk with Ana.

 Addison was getting pretty restless in her crib, so Ana took her out and gave her a bottle, putting Alice in her place.
She had these triplets on a schedule where at least one of them was usually up, so she could teach them their skills.

 "Now, Dax. I want you to know something."
"Yeah dad?"
"You are the BEST. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise, alright?"
"Yeah. Thanks dad!"
"Now get your butt on the school bus, you're gonna be late."

 While Ryder was assuring Dax of his awesomeness, Ana was teaching Addison how to talk.

 Bottle was easy.
- I swear she came out of the womb screaming it.

 "Ahh! You're so smart. And I love you. Love."

 Alice learned how to talk, too.

 And little Anna was taught to walk, as soon as Ryder got home from work.
He didn't even change out of his creepy doctor garb.

 Dax was a model child. As soon as he got home, he did his homework.

 Ace, however, waited until almost 10 to start his.

 Before Ryder headed to work the next morning, more babymaking was in the cards.

 After which Anna promptly learned her first words, which carefully had nothing to do with earlier events of the morning.

 Oh, whiny babies.
Addison didn't like being left alone for any time, and even when she was being held...
She just wasn't a happy baby at all.

 Alice, though, absolutely loved Ryder and whenever he held her, she was at her happiest.

 Ana noticed that Ace wore a tux to school on his first day.
"How was your day?" she questioned carefully.
She was almost certain he'd gotten picked on, or something, for wearing his formal wear.

 "It was great Mom! I made a lot of new friends. This kid named Corey was so jealous of my fancy clothes."
"Oh. Awesome!" Relief.

 Apparently Dax had a good day too, he was just grinning and hugging his daddy.


 Yeah, holding hands is a little mushy. Made me kinda nauseous too.
- Ha. Ha. Hilarious. e.e

 -I have never understood why the dishwasher breaks more than anything else in the house...


 Excuse me, honey, you're gorgeous and all, I just really need to barf.

 Heh. Ace decided that driving a racecar at 12AM was more acceptable than going to bed.
- He IS a little insane, you know.

 More things broke...

 And Ana vomited some more.
-This pregnancy was ridiculous in the vomit department.

 But soon enough, the vomiting was over and the baby made him or herself known.

 I don't care how many babies I have, I will never get used to how gross this is.

 First day baby bump!

 The girls much preferred playing with their special friends than each other.
See how much they'd even space themselves out?

 Day 2!

 "Hello, baby 26." <3

 I don't know if the claw is considered a form of torture or not, but all of the children seem to think that's precisely what it is.

The girls learned all of their skills and it was time for them to go to school with Ace and Dax.

 The oldest of the triplets, Addison, was first -

 Followed by evil Alice -

 And, of course, ended with innocent Anna.

 Addison is looking a lot like her older sister Annika, and Ryder.

 Alice is pretty much the same in the face - looking like Lina, therefore Ryder.

 Anna looks like Ana by way of facial features.

All three girls are going to be gorgeous.

 Ana was getting huge, and Dax took this opportunity to notice.
"Oh my god it kicked me! Is it like, a monster?!"
Ana laughed. "No, Dax, the baby is just like you were..." xD

 Ryder also took some time to appreciate Ana's hugeness, since it was obvious the baby would make its appearance soon enough.

 Upon waking, Ana felt even huger.
I mean, look at that baby bump. Damn.

 Dancing seemed to be the best thing to do while waiting for the baby!

 And of course, the baby decided it was time to come out at around 8 that morning.

 Luckily, all 5 children were at school, so Ana swagged over to the hospital.

 Ana walked out hours later with one new addition to the family - named after a good friend.

Sapphire Winfield
Excitable, Virtuoso
Pop, French Toast, Spice Brown 

Thanks for being awesome, Saph. (:


Be Ana's Facebook Friend! See Ana's Wishlist! Thanks for reading! I really appreciate every comment and follower. It really motivates me to keep cranking out the posts to please you guys. Please leave any names you have in mind in a comment below or on Facebook. I hope you enjoyed this post!