Again, we'll begin by taking a peek into the lives of some of the other children.
Ashton is first - we all saw this one coming, come on.
Yes, Ashton proposed to Bella. And yes, she agreed.
They already had a kid, it was about time.
- When do I get to get married?
Maybe when you're done. MAYBE.
- *pout*
Soon after their engagement, Bella and Ashton threw a party for Fabian's birthday.
All of the Vanderbilts were invited, but Ana still didn't show up.
- I was teaching Mariposa how to talk, okay?!
Caspian showed up. Evilly, but he showed up.
Even Chloe's boyfriend Jung was there!
- The point is, CASPIAN was there! D:
I bet that little boy likes rocketships... deviously...
Anyway, here's Fabian as a toddler. He looks so much like Ashton, besides the blonde hair!
So, it looks like Ana WAS teaching Mariposa how to talk.
- Told you. *huffs*
I'm sure baseball is a very important word for little girls to know. *nodnod*
- Shut up. ;;
Added to the nursery were two little friends for the children, a monarch butterfly and a lucky ladybug.
Damn, that garden is looking SAD.
- Kind of like your mom. OH.
WHAT did you just call my mother?
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
Damon was a pretty needy baby.
Even though he was a loner, he seemed to get lonely a lot.
- When are babies NOT needy?
That's a good point.
Since there was a new baby in the house, Mariposa really needed to age up.
Ana taught her how to walk and talk as soon as humanly possible.
And Mariposa loved her mommy, didn't she.
During Ana's last pregnancy, she really let the house get disgusting.
- Probably because I hate this house.
Well why didn't you say anything sooner?
- I'm just waiting for another relative to die so I can get a new one.
That's terrible...
Regardless of how much she hated the house, Ana knew it had to be cleaned for the children's sake.
- They don't like living in scum, surprisingly!
Ana showed her selflessness by cleaning her children's bathroom first. There's a first.
- Hey! D:
And then the highchair, also for the children... What has gotten into you?
- I figure if I'm going to have 100 kids, I better learn how to do it right...
I liked you better before.
And the AMAZING MOTHER only takes a break to take care of the babies... isn't that precious.
- I get the feeling... that you're mocking me... >_>
Oh no, not at all. Cupcake.
See? Just loving that baby boy.
- Boys are my favorite. ... Don't tell the girls.
- I mean, I love my girls and everything...
But whether a girl or a boy causes it, Ana does not like THIS.
Ana glared at the bag, waiting for it to make the first mood.
And it did, striking her with the most foul stench that could be mustered.
Of course, Ana washed her hands after handling the baggie of death, and before eating.
Finally, after lunch, Ana began cleaning again, tirelessly. She finally got to her bathroom to fix her shower.
- I almost DIED since the floor was so wet. Seriously.
And then she cleaned her toilet, which still had vomit crusted on from the early stages of her pregnancy with Damon. That's disgusting.
- At least YOU didn't have to clean it.
By this time, all of the kids were home.
Ana clearly dictated that Ryver was in charge and set out to meet the next dad.
Fortunately for Ana, she knew just where to find him.
No, no, this isn't the next dad.
You should recognize him.
That's Ashton's father, Steve Twiggins.
... He is also apparently Ana's boyfriend.
Now, I have no idea when this happened, but Steve and Ana are an item, I guess.
- *whistles innocently*
Perhaps this is why, however, Steve became her boyfriend.
For his roommate.
This isn't the first time Ana has done this to Steve, or Calvin (Chloe's father).
Every time they get a new roommate, Ana jumps his bones.
Apparently Steve is too love drunk to realize what was going to happen next.
Ana just asked Steve's new roomie, Jessip Phillips (thanks Vi!), what his sign was.
With a flirty tone, but still, it was just a question.
But once she leaned in to whisper in his ear it was all over.
Steve, being a hippie, was a pacifist, but that didn't stop him from thinking about Jessip dying in a fire.
Wanting to avoid conflict, Ana just took Jessip home to finish the process.
She also even mixed it up a little by going in the guest room to concieve!
- I do my best to keep you guys interested. ;D
Unfortunately, Jessip wears NORMAL pajamas.
- Yeah... I didn't know...
We all know Ana doesn't get to relax long, though, after continuing the challenge.
Poor Damon was a very uncomfortable baby and needed tending nearly constantly.
Cassie looks like she needs some help, too, but not in any way Ana can provide.
- I worry about that girl sometimes... when she's not choking herself, she just seems to be REALLY angry.
And before you know it, it's time for two of our favorite girls' birthdays.
The smart and gorgeous Ryver...
And the adorable daughter of Enrique friggen' Iglesias, our little butterfly, Mariposa.
And here is young adult Ryver.
Download her here:
Download her here:
Ryver wasn't quite ready to be on her own yet, which was fine with Ana - so we're keeping her for a little bit.
There's still room for at least twins in the house, so we're good.
Mariposa is a gorgeous girl. She even chose her own dress, with butterflies - I guess she knows what her name means.
Last but not least is baby Damon.
Damon got his dad, Eddie Rosado's, hair for sure.
But he also has... olive green eyes?
- No idea where those came from, but I approve.
Ryver's first goal as a young adult was to hack herself some money.
But there was one little problem - the computer was broken.
Being the computer whiz she is, she fixed it right up.

And started to hack into government servers, no big deal.

She easily hacked a few hundred dollars before stopping.

"I don't want to sponge off of you too much, Mom, so I'm going to move out now." Ryver broke the news to Ana jokingly.
Anastasia clung to her daughter tightly. "Okay. Well, I wasn't going to tell anyone yet, but in a couple days we'll be having the twins' birthday party. See you then?"
"I wouldn't miss it." Ryver packed her favorite things she owned and was on her way to having her own life.
And this was how Jessip was weird... He was still hanging on, and he was still in his pajamas.
Ana tried to be nice about telling him to leave, but she was just a little creeped.
He overstayed his welcome, just a little.
Damon woke up bright and early and was ready to learn how to talk.
Another awesome first word: disco!
Unfortunately, this lesson was interrupted by projectile vomiting.
Damon didn't mind, though.
He was very handy with the blocks, and much preferred them to learning.
There wasn't much to the rest of that day.
Just more dirty tubs.
Ana felt the first signs of pregnancy while she was fixing her pathetic garden.
- Look, it's all green now! D:
Because you bought a sprinkler. e.e
It was time for Ana to inform everyone else of the birthday party for the twins.
"Yes, you have to wear a bathing suit... it's a pool party!... Evangeline, you are NOT fat, you just had a baby!"
- Guests. They're so difficult.
"Girl, if you don't show up because you think you're fat..."
"Yeah. That's EXACTLY what I thought you'd say."
Ana knows how to manipulate her children, yes.
Ana knows how to manipulate her children, yes.
- That's the only way to be a good mother. (:
Damon was much more interested in eating the xylophone stick than any festivities that day.
The twins, however, were very excited to enter teenhood.
Especially because of the awesome turnout to their party!
But Nessa was just chillin' to the side for some reason... HMM...
Oh, it's because she's pregnant too!
Cassie is gorgeous. Insane, but gorgeous.
Way to blink while I'm trying to take pictures.
And Spencer isn't too bad himself.
He's also ripped.
This is just to show you guys what a babe Ryver is.
It was pretty late when the party was over, so everyone just went to bed.
But Cassie brought in the morning quite interestingly.
She decided that swimming with Mariposa in her formal wear was a good idea.
Yes, this girl is supposed to be a genius.
Meanwhile, Ana and Spencer had some bonding time.
"So, there's gonna be another baby soon?" Spencer made small talk while the two watched TV.
"Mhmm." Ana was to engrossed to have a real conversation.
-It was my favorite show okay.
"And Mom?"
"Thanks for that awesome party, by the way."
Ana actually listened this time, and loved her baby boy a little bit more.
"You're welcome, Spence."
It had only been one day, but Ana already had that preggo swag on.
It was time to go see Geoffrey to figure out the gender.
Geoffrey answered the door lookin' fine in his swim trunks that he hadn't changed out of from the party.
He did a brief, slightly less than professional examination of Ana's stomach.
After she made a move on him, things had been a little awkward.
"It's a girl. Again."
With this news, Ana felt it was time to go break the news to Steve.
No, she didn't break up with him yet.
Luckily for Ana, her boyfriend and baby daddy were hanging out together!
"So, I'm pregnant." Ana told Steve the obvious.
"I see that. Jessip's, I'm assuming?" Steve was less than impressed with his girlfriend's pregnancy.
"Yup. It's uh, awesome, right?" She feigned a smile.
"Yup. It's uh, awesome, right?" She feigned a smile.
"Awesome? You cheated on me with my roommate, got pregnant, and expect me to be happy for you?"
Steve was outright pissed off now.
"You have no right to judge me! When we met, I explained the rules to you. But you couldn't take no as an answer. I'm only your "girlfriend" because I pity you, okay? You already gave me what I wanted - a beautiful child. One whom YOU don't even appreciate. Ashton doesn't even know you, and I'm glad he doesn't, because you SUCK!" Ana knew that everything she had accused Steve of was unfair - the only rule he'd broken was making her his girlfriend.
Steve was speechless.
"And you know what?" She screamed. "Your mother is a llama. A big, fat, STINKY llama!"
"And you know what?" She screamed. "Your mother is a llama. A big, fat, STINKY llama!"
Sure, it was just a petty jab, but hormones had taken over a long time ago.
"WHAT did you just call my mother?" Ana ignored Steve.
"WHAT did you just call my mother?" Ana ignored Steve.
"And this is over. So far over. I never want to see you again!"
"But - " Steve began to plead.
"I said. After tonight. I don't EVER. Want to see you again."
She had calmed down quite a bit, satisfied in the fact that she had broken his heart.
- I would have kicked his ass if I wasn't pregnant.
And I can't help but feel bad for Steve...
- But he's a jerk!
He really didn't do anything... xD
-You should be on my side. D:
After her long, stressful day of yelling, Ana just swagged on home.
The next day she invited over Nessa. She knew they'd gotten pregnant at around the same time, and really wanted to compare bumps.
They were both huge.
- And damn good looking, too.
Just another comparison angle.
But then Ana went into labor.
Ana just stared as Nessa freaked out.
"I'm going to go to the hospital for this one, okay? Can you watch Damon?"
Nessa nodded and continued to flip out. xD
Bella was there to watch her mother-in-law swag into the hospital.
Wait- mother-in-law?
Yeah, Ashton and Bella got married without telling anyone.
- Jerks.
This. Right here. Is Ana's. Swag.
Nessa did stay with Damon, even entertaining him with music.
Ana came out of the hospital with not one, but two gorgeous children.
Hello baby 14! Welcome Hannah Vanderbilt!
And her twin brother, baby 15, Leo Vanderbilt!
Thanks for the names, Chloe, and thanks for Jessip, Vi! :D
Thanks for reading! I really appreciate every comment and follower. It really motivates me to keep cranking out the posts to please you guys. Please leave any names you have in mind or possible fathers you would like me to use in a comment below or on Facebook. I hope you enjoy!
Awe Damon is so cute! :) I'm so glad he got his daddy's hair! :)
ReplyDeletePreggo swag :D