Sunday, January 16, 2011

Baby #3: Straight from the tropics.

Ana, being the hot mama she is, was now completely ready to go out and find the next lucky man to be a father in her challenge.
- Seriously. Look at those abs.

Caspian, being Ana's first baby boy, was going to be a very lucky child.
Since her first pregnancy, she'd wanted a boy (not that she didn't love Gloria, of course).
Our evil and clumsy little Caspian was the apple of her eye, and would be treated like royalty.
- Maybe he's not even THAT evil. Look at his wittle nose! *tears up*

Ana gave Gloria this stuffed panda. She loved it so much.
- She named it Sammy. Isn't she the sweetest?
Of course.
- Proving to be her mother's daughter, hmm? *smug*
I don't see it.

When Gloria doesn't particularly love Sammy, she beats him up.
I'm seeing it a little bit more here, Ana.
- *pout*

After calling the babysitter (whom shouldn't be able to afford that car on $75 a job), Anastasia went out on the town to find her next victim.
- They're not my victims... I make SURE they enjoy it. ;D
Spare me the details. Please.

While driving past, Ana saw this gentleman standing out of his new home.
Being completely floored by his strange looks, she stopped outside of his house to introduce herself.
The man told her his name was Jay Gorman. (Created by me.)
Ana followed up with, "Lovely home, Jay. Your face isn't half bad, either." - and wrapped it up with a wink.
Jay was stunned at how outgoing Ana was. Being completely captivated by her timeless beauty, he just blushed and mumbled "Thanks."

"You. Me. My house. Now." Ana whispered in Jay's ear seductively.
He just nodded. Jay had only just moved to this town, and was already getting picked up by the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen? Sweet.

Ana, being bold, went in for the first kiss.
She still hadn't told Jay her intentions.
- Not that he would mind.

It wasn't long after that she got him in bed.

Baby number three was... not coming? No lullaby sounded, even after two more tries.
- It was him, not me. I swear.

3:00 AM: Motherhood is calling, Ana!
- Yeah. I hear it.
Beautiful, isn't it?
- That's one word for it.

Ana does love motherhood, though.
She would do anything for baby Caspian.
Evil baby Caspian.
- He hasn't done anything evil yet! Gosh!
... Two hours after he was born, he was fiendishly laughing at his sister's expense. See?
v *insert maniacal laughter here* v
- ... Shut up.
Ah, never.

Considering Ana knew she still wasn't pregnant, she invited Jay over the next night as well.

She leaps into his arms, ready to try again.
- Well, you know how it goes. Gotta try until you succeed, right?

And after a whopping three more tries, Ana knew she had to be pregnant.
 I didn't get the chance to snap a photo before Jay ran away, but he slept in pink and yellow heart print boxers. Anastasia has a thing for guys with strange pajamas, apparently.
- Don't judge me.
We're all judging.

Next up: Caspian's birthday!
Caspian looks exactly like his father, James Phalon, at this point, inheriting his purple and black hair and red eyes. Couldn't get more evil than that.
- I think it's cute.
Yeah, you would.

 Gloria's birthday also came and went.

Gloria had always been a happy girl.
She inherited her father Christopher's hair, and Ana's beautiful blue eyes.

The rest of the day was spent playing with, snuggling, and potty training mommy's little devil.
- *glares at the word 'devil'*

The next day can be summed up without words:
It was a fun day.
- Yeah, for you.
It's all that matters. (:


Ana spent a ridiculous amount of time teaching Caspian all he'd need to know to carry out his evil plots.
"Mommy. Say Mommy." Ana coaxed.
"Wowld dawminashin!" squealed Caspian, with a grin.

Gloria did her homework by herself in the other room, clearly not thinking about world domination.

Finally spending some quality time with her daughter, Ana and Gloria watch TV.
Notice Ana's little minion hanging out in the background.
- You say it like I'm evil, too!
Sometimes, I wonder.

See how menacing he is when he gnaws on his finger like that?

Gloria loves Caspian too. But, in her defense, she has no idea how evil her adorable little brother really is. He was eying that ponytail of hers.

"I'm gonna get you!" Gloria giggled.
Not if I get you first, Caspian thinks, smiling at all the evil possibilities.

Ana spent the entire next day at the beach with Caspian, teaching him how to walk.

Literally, all day.

Gloria preferred to read alone anyway.

In the middle of the night, Anastasia woke up to this:

She proceeded to make a variety of fun faces for the next few hours:

- Again, fun for you...
Again, that's all that matters...

And after it all, we were presented with a beautiful baby.

Another baby boy! Welcome to Sunset Valley, Phoenix Vanderbilt.
Luckily, Phoenix is the exact opposite of evil.
That should make for an interesting relationship with his brother, hm?
- I... I'm sure they'll be fine... *nervous laughter*


Thanks for reading! I really appreciate every comment and follower. It really motivates me to keep cranking out the posts to please you guys. Please leave any names you have in mind or possible fathers you would like me to use in a comment below or on Facebook. I hope you enjoy!


  1. What a great post. Keep up the AWESOME work.

  2. Ahhh, the expressions were fantastic. I giggled at Caspian's world domination mumble. Adorable!

    ..ADORABLY EVIL, that is. =3

    Still cute, though. <3
    Parrot man came out wonderfully, too!

  3. Wow! Gloria's lovely! And I love little Caspian's not quite evil antics. xD he's a cutie!

  4. "Mommy. Say Mommy." Ana coaxed.
    "Wowld dawminashin!" squealed Caspian, with a grin.
    LOL! xD I'm still laughing!!!!

  5. "Mommy. Say Mommy." Ana coaxed.
    "Wowld dawminashin!" squealed Caspian, with a grin

